This is our blog. I know, this is so 2006. Whatevs, man! If you're wondering why the name is different, just know it is really hard to say "Tanis's." It's Tanii. Like Octopi. Trust me, it's just better. I hope this will keep you entertained, or at least updated, on our life together and things we've learned and accomplished along the way.
The Tanii, est. 11/2007. |
This past week, for some crazy reason, it is hitting me that I am 28. And a half. (But who's counting?) For those of you that know me, you know that I joke and/or freak out about my age periodically and I will definitely be one of those people who has to be dragged out of bed on my 30th, 40th, etc. birthdays. (Fair warning, my friends, fair warning.) As I said though, I am 28. Why is that hitting me now?
Because I planned to have a four year degree by now. Because I planned to have moved out of this state by now. Because Derek was going to be done with school by now. Because we planned to have fixed up this house and sold it by now. Because we planned to have four kids with the soccer mom SUV because I don't want to drive a minivan by now.
Because I feel like everything we planned on accomplishing hasn't happened in the time frame that WE wanted it.
What's wrong with this picture?
James 4:13-16 says this:
Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit"--yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that." As it is, you boast in your arrogance."
Ambitious? Try arrogant. Our life has not gone the way we planned, clearly. We have no kids, Derek is still in school, I am not in school, we still live in this house in all its 1930s glory, etc. Is it wrong to have hopes and dreams? I don't think so. Do we still want those things to happen? Most definitely. We are needing to remember and are working on waiting for God's timing, not ours. If we are only on Earth for that brief of a period of time (think: exhaling outside in freezing weather), then we need to adjust our perspectives on the life together that God has given us.
Our new goals? Here's a list--and this time there's no "age limit":
- Use our time and resources wisely
- Enjoy the world God has given us
- Live with as few regrets as possible
- Reflect Christ in our lives
What does that all entail? How cheesy would it be for me to say "Stay tuned!"? Too bad!
Stay tuned! Peace out, my friends!